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March 2017. Low lying electronic excitations of the ground state quasilinear triplet and the cyclic singlet HC2N isomers, Natalia Inostroza, Xinchuan Huang, P. Bera and Timothy J. Lee, in preparation (2017). 

August 2016. ffects of the Acceptor Unit in Dyes with Acceptor-Bridge-Donor Architecture in the Electron Photo-Injection Mechanism and Aggregation in DSSCs. Z. Zarate, F. Claveria, N. Arias, N.Inostroza, E. Schott, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics · August 2016. DOI: 10.1039/C6CP04662B.

January 2016. Improvement of photovoltaic performance by substituent effect of donor and acceptor structure of TPA-based dye-sensitized solar cells, N.Inostroza et al J MolModel (2016) 22:25.

December 2015 Substituents role in zinc phthalocyanine derivatives used asdye-sensitized solar cells. A theoretical study using DensityFunctional Theory. C. Linares, N. Inostroza, F. Mendizabal, Chmical Physics Letters 639 (2015) 172.

January 2015. Interaction of YD2 and TiO2 in Dye-sensitized Solar-Cells (DSSC): A Density Functional Theory Study. Submitted  CPLETT, F. Mendizabal, N.Inostroza, C.Linares. JMolModel (2015) 21:226

Oct 2014   Reaction channels and spectroscopic constants of astrophysical relevant Silicon bearing molecules SiC3H+ and SiC3H. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Impact Factor:4.9). 08/2014; 443:3127-3133. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stu1324

Dic  2013. Rovibrational Spectroscopic Constants and Fundamental Vibrational Frequencies for Isotopologues of Cyclic and Bent Singlet HC2N Isomers. The Astrophysical Journal (Impact Factor: 6.28). 12/2013; 778(2):160. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/778/2/160

 2012 Large amplitude vibrations of Urea in gas phase, N. Inostroza, M.L. Senent, Chemical Physics Letters, 524, 25 (2012)

2011 Accurate ab initio quartic force fields of cyclic and bent HC2N isomers, Natalia Inostroza, Xinchuan Huang and Timothy J. Lee, Journal chemical physics 135, 244310 (2011). 

2010. Theoretical characterization of the SiC3H- Anion, N.Inostroza, M.L.Senent, Journal chemical physics, 133, 184107 (2010).

2010. On the Numerical Determination of Dunham’s Coefficients. An Application to X1Σ+HCl Isotopomers, N.Inostroza, R. Letelier*, M.L. Senent, Journal of Molecular Structure, 947, 40, (2010). 

2009. On the Variational Solution of the Coupled Rotation-Vibration of a Spherical Top Molecule. Natalia Inostroza, Ricardo Letelier* , María Luisa Senent, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 45, 1055(2009).

2008. Ab initio characterization of linear C3Si isomers N.Inostroza* a , M. Hochlaf, M.L.Senent and J.R.Letelierb , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 486, 1047 (2008). 

2008. Theoretical ro-vibrational spectrum of CF+ N.Inostroza* a , J.R.Letelierb , P.Fuentealbac , M.L.Senentd , Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molec. and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 71, 798 (2008). 

2003. Study of the Interaction of Pollutant Nitro Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Different Metallic Surfaces by Surface-Enhanced Vibrational Spectroscopy ( SERS and SEIR). M. Campos- Vallette, E. A. Carrasco, G. Díaz, R. E. Clavijo, N. Inostroza, C. Domingo, J. V. García-Ramos, S. Sánchez-Cortés, and R. Koch. Journal Physical Chemistry A 107 9611 (2003).


Academic Publications 

- Claude Bernard -

“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”


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